Knowing the precise version of Excel can save hours or days of frustration. I remember when my circle of friends were all turning 18, getting their driver’s licence and buying a car. In suburban Melbourne, no car meant no social life. After one of my close friends got her licence and brought a second-hand car, I […]
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When I moved to London in 2007, I found the fastest way to get around was the underground train network affectionately called “the Tube”. It’s the oldest underground train network in the world with the first section opening in 1863. If you’ve ever travelled on the Tube you’ll be familiar with the phrase “Mind the Gap”. This […]
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I’ve been finishing off a project modifying a client’s existing spreadsheets. The spreadsheet allows a courier company to log various aspects of its delivery business each day with one worksheet for each day. One aspect they log is failed deliveries. One each day’s tab, there’s a table for delivery issues and another for failed deliveries.So far, so […]
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Why learn VBA when I can just use the Macro Recorder? What are the limitations of recording a macro in Excel rather than writing VBA code? The VBA macro recorder in Excel is indeed a handy-dandy tool.For a beginner, it’s a useful place to start learning about VBA. Even for seasoned VBA developers it’s handy to […]
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Here’s the situation. You’ve got a spreadsheet where you’d like to track the changes to some cell values over time. Maybe they’re stock prices, or exchange rates or input parameters to a model. Whatever. But when you change the value tomorrow, you want a record of what that value was last week.The Curse of Excel’s Track Changes FeatureThe first […]
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One increasingly common task for Excel users is to retrieve data from the internet.
Simply, retrieving data from the web is the first challenge.
This sounds simple enough (and as you’ll soon see, it is).
But most people run into a roadblock with the second challenge: wrestling with data in JSON format.
Discover the easiest and fastest way to get JSON data into Excel.
Have you ever created a spreadsheet people used to enter data? A bit like a data entry form, but on a worksheet?You may have wondered how to make the form more intuitive. That way your users knew what they should enter in each field.If that’s the case, this post is for you.Making Data Entry More […]
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